Chisel (an acrostic poem)


Carving out meaning out of random noise

He looked for patterns in chaos

It was delusional to even think there was order in there, somewhere

Smiling, he used a hammer to knock off the edges, cutting his way deeper

Even as the chips flew, and the entropy increased, a shape began to coalesce

Leaving his mark on the world out of stone even as his dull tool fell from even duller fingers

Binge (an acrostic poem)


Benign desire for just one more episode

It is just too good to quit here

Now that was a cliffhanger so I have to do another

Gosh, this series is just amazing, maybe just a bit more

Except all good things come to an end, like a chance at a good night’s sleep

Mess (an acrostic poem)


Managing all the little pieces of his life to keep things tidy and moving forward.

Except sometimes some of those things were cast to the wayside.

Soon he was surrounded by detritus of mishandled life  

Swamped in the clutter of self-pruning

Enigma (an acrostic poem)


Everything was just a big unknown

Nothing was what it was supposed to be

It was like a child had ripped random pages out of a book

Giving it back to their parents to read from

Maybe it was the entire point of this exercise

And if that was the case, well, maybe tomorrow would make more sense

Bolt (an acrostic poem)


Being under attack, Marcus turned to flee

Outrunning his attackers should be a breeze, but…

Left leg collapsed with a thunderous crack.

That’s when he pulled out his gun and took aim.

Funky (an acrostic poem)


Fromage was the quest item he had been assigned.

Unclear as to which clump of incubated coagulated milk slurry he needed,

Neil began inspecting, poking, and smelling the cornucopia of options in front of him.

Keeping track of how each interacted with his senses to see what gave the largest stimulus

You never should have sent a lactose-intolerant art major for the task, but there he was…

Bad (an acrostic poem)


Being a supervillain would be his choice if he had a superpower worth a damn!

All these fools who stained the planet by their very existence should be scrubbed

Don’t worry, his only power was being annoyed by everything, so yeah, his life was…

Slide (an acrostic poem)


Slipping down the slope of time

Losing contact with the fountain of youth.

I fretted about where I was heading

Down towards a well of back pain and creaking joints

Exciting was not the word for it

Sign (an acrostic poem)


She was always looking for potents of the future.

It quieted their anxiety, and the hint allowed her some emotional rest.

Granted, sometimes the foreshadowing told her things she didn’t want to know.

Nothing was ever perfect, but a warning was better than nothing.