Reading the Ice Cubes (a 50 word story)

Kevin stared at the ice cubes at the bottom of his bourbon glass trying to ascertain what they told about his future.  He thought he could hear them predict he would be in a world of hurt in the morning.  He decided they were truly psychic and poured himself another.



King (an acrostic poem)

Knowing how to rule with a light touch

Isaac was a benevolent ruler until he tried to reach too far

Now he was holding on for dear life as his realm slipped through his fingers

Giving up the crown was easy after they chopped off his hands



Run Away (an acrostic poem)

Really Paul knew he should get out of there

Undercaffeinated and out of time

Nothing left in reserves


And yet here he was, a flaming branch in one hand

Watching the monster squint in his direction

All he wanted to do was to wake up from this nightmare

Yet he knew his alarm clock was never going to go off again



My Robot Life (syllabic verse)


Love them

Create them

I program them

Yet right now they suck

Really it is more me

I cannot get things to fit

Even though I want to give up

I will try again to make it work

I must struggle, learn, and then I can teach



In this poem each line has one more syllable.  I wanted to try something different.  I hope you enjoy.

Rebecca (an acrostic poem)

Really can’t believe you said “I do”

Even though it was twenty-three years ago

Because I still hear the echoes of those words every day

Each touch and smile deepen my bond to you

Could never imagine not taking this journey with you

Counting myself blessed beyond any measure

Always and forever yours.




Love is Blind? (a 100 word diatribe)

Bob bristled at Angie’s comment.

“Love isn’t blind,” he said.  “Love sees everything.  Every wart, every defect.  Everything.  Love just accepts all those things and keeps giving hugs.  Love wants to show you that it’s okay to not be perfect, to fail, to do something stupid.  Love is there to be wounded, kicked to the teeth, and spit upon.  That’s why love is considered folly by some and ludicrous by others, but in the end, love wants to see you be the best you you can be.”

“But Charlie is blind in the book,” Angie said.

“But his love isn’t.”



Thorn (an acrostic poem)

The rose bit Olivia’s finger, releasing a single scarlet drop

Hendrik felt horrible.  She was the love of his life and he had caused her pain

Olivia sucked at her wound with a small pout on her face

Realizing he needed to do something, he leaned forward to seal it with a kiss

Never seeing the rose as she smashed it into his face



Cute (an acrostic poem)

Cuddling her close, Derrick enjoyed her warmth

Under his light touch, she purred with pleasure

The night was young and the two of them were curled up on the couch together

Even though Derrick was allergic, he still loved his kitty

