Prepared (an acrostic conversation)

“Penelope, I need a pen.”

“Richard, look in my purse. There are at least two in there.”

“Eh…. Now I need a piece of paper.”

“Paper? Check the top left drawer of your desk.”

“And do you have an envelope?”

“Really you have to ask? They’re right in front of you.”

“Exemplary! Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Don’t tell me about how you were such a great Boy Scout?”

Structure (an acrostic poem)


Steel girders littered the broken skyline

That the wind howled through

Reaching for her shotgun, Lily watched for the Others

Until she was locked away in her hidey-hole

Couldn’t be too careful ever since the Others had landed

The war for Earth had been devastating to both sides until the Truce

Under that, no new Other could come planetside

Relying on those already here to finish the job without destroying what was left of the planet

Except now no one knew who was winning anymore

Weight (an acrostic poem)


What seemed so light moments before threatened to pull her down into the depths of despair

Every time it happened it took so much strength to try to pick up the pieces and try to move on

It was no use. She broke.

Giving way to the gravity of it all, she sunk to the floor

Her eyes teared up, the heavy drops of water falling

They were children!

Quest (an acrostic poem)


Quitting the task had never crossed his mind

Unless you counted when he woke up, most of the time during the day, and just before sleeping

Every moment he thought about stopping he somehow found the will to finish it

So when that music in his head announced he was finally done, he let out a sigh of relief

That was short-lived since he realized all he had been doing was just a side…

Creature (an acrostic poem)


Capricious thoughts scatter across his mental landscape

Reason and emotion decorate his headspace with the creative and the banal

Everything coalescing into a morass of possibilities and probabilities

A prime candidate for the existence of a higher purpose

That life is not just reacting to environmental stimuli and hormones

Unless it concerned her smirk

Reducing everything to its most primal place

Especially as she purred, kneading him, keeping him awake

Caged (an acrostic poem)


Closed off and hurting, licking his wounds

As guards paraded around the bars like small moons orbiting him

Gideon smiled, wiping away the blood from his nose

Everyone thought he was doomed to die at sunrise

Didn’t understand he needed to be close, that he allowed himself to be captured…  Their screams started

Emotion (an acrostic poem)


Empathy was not something that came naturally

Math and logic were more comfortable

Only right now it wasn’t an option

The fact that she was crying

It meant there was a problem to solve

Only there was nothing that could be done at the moment

Now if the programmer could update my algorithm, maybe that would help