Crew (an acrostic poem)

Couldn’t pull off this caper without them

Rational people just don’t have the chutzpah to pull it off

Everyone here has the skills and ice in their veins

Would make such a great movie watching us commit the deed



Coin (an acrostic poem)

Currency needs of the dead have gone out of control

Originally it was just two bits

It has increased due to inflation over the millennia

Now you better have two platinum credit cards or else know how to swim




Cross (an acrostic conversation)

Can I have one of your buns?

Really?  Are you trying to make me mad?

On the contrary.  I am trying to take away your sin.

Sin?  Why is me having these buns a sin?

So I believe the sin in question would be gluttony.  Hand one over and be saved.



Breathe (an acrostic poem)

Bringing in the air slowly

Releasing it through his lips

Every cycle a glimpse into her scent

As he kissed her neck

That touch caused her to gasp

He trembled as he pulled back

Even the air seemed to shimmer



Concert (an acrostic poem)

Conducting the music of her life

Olivia is quite the maestro

Never missing an up beat

Crescendoing past anything life threw at her

Everything is so legato under her masterful baton

Retarding to a stately pace when it was time to rest

The angels give her a standing ovation in her dreams



Inflate (an acrostic poem)

It all began with the damn balloon animals

Now it was a crazy full-scale balloon house

For goodness sake, at least he didn’t have a balloon wife

Looking back it should have been obvious

As Peter was always obsessive-compulsive

Though this was taking that compulsion to an extreme

Everyone kept waiting for it all to pop

