Darlings (a 50 word story)

A lot of writing advice connotes I should be willing to kill my darlings.  Okay, they were right.  It made my writing more gritty and realistic.  The problem now isn’t how to make what I put on the page more lifelike, but where am I going to bury the bodies?


Image: uberscribbler.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/4538638273_433x451.jpg?w=500

Fresh (an acrostic poem)

Fumbling for words after typing over 250,000 of them, Ward began to hate his keyboard

Really it had to be that, or the computer itself, or maybe the lighting

Everything felt stale and lifeless no matter what he tried

Shutting down his machine, Ward was about to walk away, but decided to try again

He ended up setting fire to his house when the computer wouldn’t start.


Image: static.pexels.com/photos/361531/pexels-photo-361531.jpeg

Dare to Dream

The blank page is a warm blanket that an author can cuddle up under and nap.  They dream of worlds both seen and unseen, and the characters that those worlds contain.  Characters dance among the sugarplums, spinning yarns both big and small.  It’s only when the author wakes up that that blank page becomes a nightmare.  Therefore all authors need to learn to “sleeptype”.  Then the dream will awaken in the reader’s imagination, and the nightmare of writer’s block stays asleep.

Writing (in 100 words)

Building a world on the back of words spun from the cloth of imagination can be hard work.  Finding a way to hack into the reader’s brain and deliver an experience that challenges as well as entertains, while delivering a message about the human condition seems impossible to even contemplate.  Yet everyday people sit down and try to articulate fully formed stories from the ether by sifting their thoughts through their souls to find the gold nuggets there within.  They then take that gold and refine it in their minds, burning off impurities, and pouring off the slag to reveal…

Website Inspiration

Ever get stuck on trying to find those unique ways to bring your characters or locations to life?  Here are a few websites and ideas of how to use them when you are stuck, or if you just want to add that bit of realism.  These are just the tip of the iceberg.  Please leave your own ideas in the comments.

Use indeed.com to research job opportunities for characters with skills you need them to have.

Visit cupid or match or eharmoney to see how people reveal themselves to complete strangers

Dictionary.com to get a word of the day to give your character something new to say.

Wikipedia with its random search for new topics that make their way into your work.

Realtor.com for not only real houses in an area, but pictures inside people’s houses to give you description ideas.

Urban Dictionary to pull in a new slang term that might inspire you.