Tape (an acrostic poem)


The situation was very sticky that she found herself in

All the good intentions in the world were not going to help her now

Pushing the button, the last of her coins activated the slot machine

Everyone watched the miracle on the old grainy video when they pulled the …

Club (an acrostic poem)

Image: kalimbamagic.com//images/blogs/2020_01/MusicBoxDancer_Image_2.jpg

Can’t hear the person next to you even though they are shouting into your ear

Loud doesn’t start to describe the thump of the speakers

Under that audio assault, your body has no choice but to move to the beat

Becoming yet another cog in the music box machine

Drug (an acrostic poem)

Image: ysm-res.cloudinary.com/image/upload/ar_1:1,c_fill,dpr_3.0,f_auto,g_faces:auto,q_auto:eco,w_500/v1/yale-medicine/live-prod/ym_new/images/42d30086-e5e6-469a-ae1e-901f66287cb1_tcm990-324377.jpg

Don’t think I can get enough of you

Racing through my veins and making my heart beat hard and fast

Until I feel I might explode from the feeling of pure bliss

Grinning, I whisper into your ear, “Give me another hit.”

Comic (an acrostic poem)

Image: morrispublishing.com/images/comic-book-publishing/features-options/ComicSpread.jpg

Creating sagas out of pictures and words

Organized in windowed snapshots of time

Manipulating sounds silently through POW and SNIKT

It is an artform consumed by young and old

Capturing the human condition with characters who are more than that

My Vella

Hello everyone. I apologize for not getting a poem ready for tonight. I am physically and emotionally beat right now. If you want something to read, you can read for free my first three Vella episodes from my soon-to-be novel, Fallen From Mercy right here:

I hope to have a new acrostic poem up tomorrow night. Take care and thank you for stopping by!!!

Tale (an acrostic poem)

Image: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0f/Campfire_Pinecone.png

Telling a yarn or two sitting around the flickering campfire made Tom happy

As the smoke rose, his words wove an ethereal medium that morphed into great battles and lover’s trysts

Leaving those that heard, speechless, filled with awe, and desperate to experience more

Eventually, the smoke faded away, and with it, Tom. 

Poet (an acrostic poem)

Image: mandyevebarnett.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/unleashed-imagination.jpg

Placing emotions on a page, then folding them into intricate origami dioramas of life

Or pluck stars from the sky and plant them under mountains to grow gemstone geodes

Even distill humanity, boil off the dross, and serve up a potent shot of pure intoxication and misery

Then crumple up the whole thing, delete the file, and try again since the craft was not perfected

Addict (an acrostic poem)

Image: euractiv.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/03/shutterstock_324566462-800×450.jpg

Anytime he was awake, he craved the release
Didn’t matter that it wasn’t good for him
Didn’t matter if it cost him everything
It only mattered achieving that all-consuming bliss
Catching that dopamine hit and sustaining it as long as possible
That’s why the six of them held an intercession and checked Dopey into rehab

Clan (an acrostic poem)

Image: skilt.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/dsc02188-324×324.jpg

Couldn’t wait to find out what a tartan was, he decided to visit Europe
Leaving New Jersey, he traveled to Scotland
And promised himself he would get a kilt of it as soon as he knew which pattern was the right one
Not understanding that they didn’t have tartans for Americans