Sharp (an acrostic poem)

So many times Mel had fallen flat

He just couldn’t seem to rise to the occasion

All that changed during the prom though

Resplendent in his James Bond esq tuxedo

People around him hummed ZZ Top



Clippy (Spenserian Sonnet Style)

Clippy was my dearest friend

As I worked upon my book

He always had advice to send

As I wrote my gobbledygook


Every day I would see him look

As the words would begin to flow

He would always give his outlook

On how my formatting should go


But then one day he wanted to show

A way to format the entire thing

He had me select my manifesto

All with one gigantic swing


I blame my friend Clippy, and not the hard booze

For now there was nothing left of my dance with my muse



Theft (an acrostic poem)

Then he realized his heart was missing

He looked around wildly, looking for who had stolen it

Ellen smiled, knowing the answer

Finally, he felt her hand in his and shook his head

That’s when he kissed her and tried to take her breath away



Empty (an acrostic poem)

Everything had been poured out, there was nothing left

Meandering home purely by instinct and no coherent thought

Putting his hat on the coatrack he slumped into his easy chair and kicked up his feet

Turing on the television he let it wash over him mindlessly

Yearningly he absorbed it all in till he was full, not sated, but full



Torqued (an acrostic poem)

Twisted thoughts tumbled from his lips

Outwardly he kept his face smooth and composed

Really on the inside, he was spinning in tight circles

Quitting the torrent of lies, he took a deep breath

Unsure his verbal torrent had convinced her of anything

Eventually, he decided to throw in the truth to see what that would do

Definitely hadn’t expected the truth to have such an impact



One Fewer For The Enemy (a 200 word story)

The killing field surrounded her as if she was in the eye of the storm.  Bodies strewn all over, stabbed, shot, burnt.  Not another living soul was in sight.   Fallen comrades in arms were strewn among the remains of their enemies.  It was a miracle that she was alive considering how much of her own blood stained the ground beneath her feet.

Her unit had been sent out to stop the approaching horde.  Their village had been decimated by the plague, so they could only send out farmers and those too old to serve anymore.  She was amazed they had stopped the monsters from taking away what was left.

She was so tired, but there was still there was more to do.  She lit her torch and began to burn those bodies closest to her.  The stench of sizzling flesh stung her lungs and eyes, but she didn’t pause as she raced to set more of the fallen ablaze.

The battle had been fast, but not fast enough.   She tried to cry, but the tears were too tired to come.  As the moon rose, so did the fallen.  She could only set herself on fire.  One fewer for the enemy.



Weep (an acrostic poem)

Wet drops of salty water raced down her weathered face

Ending in a pitter pater at her feet

Every drop carried a little bit of her anguish

Purging her soul of its pain



It’s Just Beer (a 200 word story)

He picked up his beer bottle and cried.   Today had been such a rollercoaster.  He closed his eyes and relived their last conversation.

“I can’t believe you bought that,” she said.

He cradled his prize like a baby.  “Why not?” he asked.

“Just put that beer back or I’m going to leave you.”

“But it’s not just a beer.”

“What is it then?”

“Look, it’s in a copper bottle.  See?”  He slightly shook it in front of her face.

“You really want to do this again after the last time?”

“You’re the one wanting to do it again.  I am just getting my beer.”

“I can’t handle this.  It’s become a ridiculous habit.  Look, it’s either the beer or me.”


She placed her balled fists on her hips and cocked her head to the side.  “Do I look like I’m joking?”

He looked at the empty bottle of Sam Adam’s Utopia.  She had left him, but now so did the beer.  Life just wasn’t fair.  He wondered if he could get her back.  He opened his wallet to see if he had the $150 to buy another bottle.  Nothing was there.

“Damn!  Guess I’m back to Pabst Blue Ribbon.”



Crispy (an acrostic poem)

Crunching greasy fried chicken

Reveling in the horribleness of it all

It was like the sound was a delectable spice

Satisfying something deep and primal

Pushing mere sustenance into something heaven sent

Yet also devil spawn for the grease stains on my shirt

