Post (an acrostic poem)


Putting words in where emotions feared to tread

Out into the world, unprotected, left to fly or flounder on their own

So every time I press that button and make something come alive on the web

That is the moment where I add a bit more to the universe and wait to hear what echoes back

Thread (an acrostic poem)


The information dragged on and on as far as the mind’s eye could see

Her imagination trying to scoop it up and deposit it into memory

Research she knew she would use later

Examining lines of thought and spinning them together

As she wrote down her ideas

Determined to weave her story

Pencil (an acrostic poem)


People say the pen is mightier than the sword

Except they are missing the point, the manually sharpened point

Now you could include mechanical versions, but that is such a lazy game

Can’t use all geometric aspects of the lead to create crisp lines to gentle shading

It is a uni-tasker, and as such fits more of the pen diatribe

Let’s admit it, all the power you need is located in a good No. 2…

Practical Research (a 250-word story)


Ralph took out his notebook. Time to put theory into practice.  This endeavor had cost him three months of his life.  Time to see how well he had done.  He just wondered which one to try out first.  Ralph closed his eyes, spun his finger in the air and plopped it down on the page. 

Nope, that missed every single one!

He closed his eyes and did it again.  This time, when he opened his eyes, he found his finger pointing at number 22.  That one should be a good one.  The butterflies in his stomach started to tango.  He read it over five times and then silently mumbled it until it felt natural.

Ralph turned to the person sitting on the barstool beside him.  She wore a black dress that left everything up to the imagination.  Her hair was tied back.  She stared at her drink like it held the secret of life. 

She was perfect!

He took a deep breath and said, “I’m no physicist, but even in zero-g I would fall for you.”

She looked at him, and he had hope.  “But honey, I am a physicist.”  She picked up her glass.  “And everything creates gravity.”  She proceeded to pour the contents of her drink into his lap.  “Just it’s a bit stronger here.”  She slowly got up and sauntered away.

He took out his pencil and crossed out 22.  Only one 199 more to try.  He just wished he had brought a spare pair of pants.

Novel (an acrostic poem)


No way he would ever get all those words down on paper

Obviously, he had bitten off more than he could chew

Vowing that after he was done he would never even touch a word processor

Every letter was a struggle as he tried to download his soul onto the paper

Long months later he typed ‘The End.’  That was when he realized his work had just begun!

Vision (an acrostic poem)


Viewing those things that were not there

It was the bane of her existence

She wanted to expose them and show others what they could not see

If only she was better at that than she was.  Every time she tried; the figments fled

Organizing her chaotic thoughts, she decided to try a different trap this time

NaNoWriMo would be motivation to finally capture them inside her words

Empty (an acrostic poem)


Every word he wrote on the paper was a bucket full of holes

Making them equally as worthless at holding anything inside

Perhaps he should just give up now and save the time and effort

Though it did make the lifting of each one easier in its own way

Yes, maybe he would haul of them into place now since it was easy and spackle it all together during rewrites

Comic (an acrostic poem)


Creating sagas out of pictures and words

Organized in windowed snapshots of time

Manipulating sounds silently through POW and SNIKT

It is an artform consumed by young and old

Capturing the human condition with characters who are more than that

Haiku (an acrostic poem)


How do you get better at something?

Almost always the answer is doing

I have been writing a poem a day for the past nine years

Know that sometimes they were bad, but sometimes they were good

Undertake a journey today and read some.  The link below is to all 3,287 …