Menu (an acrostic poem)


Maybe tonight I’ll just order one of everything.

Everything?  You haven’t even looked at what’s being served tonight.

Not going to worry.  I trust the chef implicitly .

Uncle Maximilian, you’re the best!

Head (an acrostic poem)


He danced along his mental landscape

Enjoying the infinite possibilities inside his mind

Allowing his imagination to go wild

Determined to escape the reality his meat brain was stuck in

Trail (an acrostic poem)


The path through the trees split around one prominent trunk

Reaching that point, I paused and thought which side should I take

At a quick glance both seemed pretty well traveled

It left me a bit sad since I wanted to follow Frost’s advice

Leaving me but one choice.  I climbed the tree and my perspective was never the same again.

Tool (an acrostic poem)


The hammer felt so good in his calloused hand

Only that didn’t seem enough for this task

Opening up the metal box he reached in and pulled out a larger hammer

Looking at his source of frustration he grinned and went to work “fixing it”

Crumbs (an acrostic poem)


Can’t get a seat at the table?

Relegated to looking on, waiting for something to hit the floor?

Under foot and unnoticed?

Maybe this year is when you stand up and demand a seat.

Become a partner with those who should be your peers.

So stop settling for mere…

Still (an acrostic poem)


Something about sitting down, eyes closed, not moving

The outside slows down and the inside opens up

It allows you to shed the pull of society’s hectic current

Letting you find a spot of calm that is at your core

Leaving you reenergized when you emerge from being…