Ambush (an acrostic poem) Arise part 3

As Sarah followed the scent, she felt the tension rising

Muscles knotted as she almost slithered through the brush

Briers pulled at her short hair.  She could feel sweat in small cuts

Using a small bush as a place to rest, she got her breathing under control

She looked back for the two others that had followed her

Her sweat turned cold when she felt a metal pressed against her neck




Fear (an acrostic poem) Arise part 3

Flipping her safety off, Sarah prowled at the edge of the clearing

Evening was about to transition into night, leaving her people vulnerable

As she slowly cleared another ten meters, she began to smell something

Realizing they were not alone, Sarah felt despair



Share (an acrostic poem) Arise part 2

Sarah eventually got her group to her cabin on the mountain

Her cache of weapons were gone though, and that made her nervous

As she looked over the clearing, Sarah wondered where the thieves had gone

Reaching for her pistol, she called out for two of her group to follow

Everyone had to pull their weight, but Sarah wondered for how long



Restart (an acrostic poem) Arise part 1

Ravaged city ruins still smoked in the distance

Everyone in Sarah’s small band had lost everything there

Still they followed her as she led them into the mountains

There was nothing left for them in civilization

All of a sudden the air was filled with another rocket engine rumble

Racing for cover, Sarah looked away as a flash of destruction washed over her

Taking a deep breath of the ashes of civilization she began walking again