Sparkle (an acrostic poem)


She wanted to feel special

Puckering up she put on her bright red lipstick

And her dazzling blue eyeliner

Reaching for her glittery teal eye shadow, she applied it liberally

Knowing it was almost time for her date, she began to get excited…

Liam smiled when he saw his twelve-year-old daughter make her entrance

Everything she did shouted how important she was to him.  Their dinner together was going to be special.

Tired (an acrostic poem)


The lack of sleep kept mounting

It became a load that was difficult to carry

Reaching a tipping point where it was impossible to keep their eyes open

Everything stopped while they sunk into unconsciousness

Dreaming of trying to go to sleep…

Divide (an acrostic poem)


Debating merits is a noble cause

If done in good faith, listening to other’s argument

Verifying your stance is what you want to defend

Instead, today we prefer to find our tribe, our island

Denying that the other side might have something to add

Enabling the feedback to build walls that opposing views can not scale  

Retro (an acrostic poem)


Remember when this was the coolest thing since sliced bread?

Everyone either had one or wanted one.

Those were the days!

Realize that it’s now available again?

Only now when you get it you will discover how much it sucks now

Tape (an acrostic poem


The roll was empty again, and that pissed off Heather

All she wanted was for her roommates to replace the roll when it ran out

Perhaps this would stick with them

Every roll of toilet paper, except the one she hid, was soon wrapped in scotch…