Labels (an acrostic poem)


Looking to put everything into a box

And categorize it with other like items seems to be human nature

Because we like the world to be a smaller, more manageable place that isn’t as wild and scary

Except that takes away the magic of what makes everything, and everyone,  so unique

Leaving the world duller and much less interesting

So maybe we should be more open to allowing people to identify themselves?

Left (an acrostic poem)


Leave your political affiliations out of it.

Everyone is allowed their opinion, to a point.

Focusing on your own shit might be your God-given right

That does not excuse you for leaving me to find out I only have one sheet of toilet paper…

Friends (an acrostic poem)


Finding your people is an important task

Resulting in stability in an otherwise unstable world

It was time-consuming, nerve-racking, and sometimes difficult

Even when you stumble upon the perfect candidates, the work has just begun

Now you have to make time and not let life and family and work and, and, and,

Distract you from keeping those connections from atrophying

So how are you doing today, my …

Paradise (an acrostic poem)


Putting my toes in the ocean with the wind in my hair and the heavy scent of salt in the air

And if not then a crystal clear lake with cabins and joy all around

Rural roads with mile upon mile of fresh blacktop and not a car in sight

A strong wind during twilight bringing the fresh smell of a coming storm

Dark night under the stars, friends to either side sharing stories and jokes

Icy cold in contrast to a bright sun reflecting off a virgin snowfall

Surreally painted skies at the beach, good tunes on the radio, watching the sun sink slowly off stage west

Everyone should occasionally go to their special place to recharge their soul in their own …

Story (an acrostic poem)

1) Image:

Searching for conspiracists to spread the word

To make sure the world knows the truths

Of mysteries and magic, of history and the future, of the real and the surreal

Rascals and damsels, princesses and princes, paupers and millionaires

You up for the challenge? All you need to join is to pick up a book and read.

Begin (an acrostic poem)


Being at the start of something new can be intimidating

Even if you feel the project is within your comfort zone

Given how many things can go wrong at any point of the endeavor

It shouldn’t stop you from trying though

Now get out there and…

Stage (an acrostic poem)


Someone once said all the world is one of these

That may be so, but not everyone is an actor

As I feel a lot of people decide to spend their time as props

Giving others something to manipulate but not adding much to the plot of history

Enabling them to dodge the question of to be or not to be because they were afraid to perform

Cosmic (an acrostic poem)


Contemplating the universe

Observing how small of a speck this world is

Scattered among the multitude of galaxies

Moving farther and farther apart

It really opens one’s eyes for a moment

Contemplating you