Loki (an acrostic poem)

Image: wallpaperaccess.com/full/480679.jpg

Little joke here or trick there makes every day a bit happier

Okay, maybe it only makes it happier for me

Knowing that you fell for my ruse and now have to do the walk of shame

It almost brings a tear to my eye… because I’m laughing so hard

Thor (an acrostic poem)

Image: img1.cgtrader.com/items/785923/dd8110b580/thor-hammer-the-mjolnir-3d-model-obj-fbx-stl.jpg

The lightning and thunder are at his command

His hand holding a spinning Mjolnir

Outside he looks like he is as calm as the eye of a hurricane

Reality was the true storm was raging inside

Fruit (an acrostic poem)

image: images-prod.healthline.com/hlcmsresource/images/AN_images/tomatoes-1296×728-feature.jpg

Focus on the holy tomato

Rejoice in its versatility

Understand where it sits among the pantheon

It makes up more the 50% of the condiment

Therefore salsa is a type of blessed savory marmalade

Taste (an acrostic poem)

Image: i.pinimg.com/236x/0e/09/b8/0e09b810d010836ac9fa8c2d7ea6caeb–dress-code-milan-fashion.jpg

Those stripes will be yummy with a dash of polka dots

Adding the mismatched pink and green fluorescent socks to further spice it up

So put together a feast for your soul and embrace who you are

There might be people who want to throw up a bit when they see you walk down the street but…

Everyone has a different fashion palate when it comes to style.

Chance (an acrostic poem)

Converting luck into action

He tossed the spinning dice from his hand

And as they flew through the air, probabilities spun with them

Not collapsing the distribution curve until done with their dance

Cascading all possibilities into a single outcome

Everything random transforms into fate

Factory (an acrostic poem)

Image: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b6/Factory_1b.svg/934px-Factory_1b.svg.png

Focused on manufacturing

And maximizing profits

Creating parts and pieces for consumption

Then spitting them out into the hopefully accepting world

Ordering the chaos of creation into ridged steps

Reaching for peek throughput and yields

Yet that damn Murphy was always on the visitor’s list

Cereal (an acrostic poem)

Image: img1.mashed.com/img/gallery/the-untold-truth-of-capn-crunch/intro-1588568627.jpg

Couldn’t start her morning without the stuff

Everyday was a bowl or two of sugary goodness

Really it was also a bowl for lunch, and maybe one for a late night snack

Eventually she realized she was an addict

And tried to quit cold turkey, but that didn’t end well

Locked up after freebasing all the Captain Crunch at Walmart