Replace (an acrostic poem)


Realizing there are times when you are broken inside

Everything just rattles around and you feel the stabbing of the sharp pieces

Putting that back together would be difficult if not impossible

Leaving what would be left is an incomplete you

As some of the parts would be lost or the edges rounded to leave gaps

Covered with tape and superglue.  Looking in the mirror you don’t recognize your own soul

Embrace a new chance, a new hope, a new you and let the rubble be recycled

Cell (an acrostic poem)


Corruption pulsed within his veins energizing his desire to do wrong

Extracting money from the misery and oppression around him

Leaving him to live a life of luxury built upon the pain of others

Losing his soul bit by bit behind the bars of inhumanity

Passion (an acrostic poem)


Putting the focused energy of emotion into the “thing”

And feeling like even if it doesn’t work, well you are still one step closer

Such that you recognize that the wall exists

So you can dig under it, climb over it, blow it up, make a tunnel through

If you don’t have that focus, that wall hurts to run into

Once, twice you will run into it and then wander off because it is too much

Never finding out what is on the other side

Wonder (an acrostic poem)


Whimsical pondering about how everything works

Observing the universe and attempting to understand the underpinnings

Never being settled with almost right, but wanting perfect information

Determining how everything began, how it will end, and everything in between

Except perfect information is not available, so instead we guess and see how close we get

Remembering when we get things wrong it becomes a starting point for something new

Watch (an acrostic poem)


When the hands swept past noon

All eyes were drawn to the two men standing in the street

Today only one of them would walk away

Capping a monumental story of conflict between two protagonists

High above, the bells chimed out, punctuated by two percussive blasts, and then dead silence

Beep (an acrostic poem)


Being in IT when every computer on campus was making noises

Especially as they rebooted over and over again was not going to be good

Ernie knew he was doomed for a long long long day

Perhaps this was not the week to give up swearing, but he wanted to yell something.  “Oh …”

Under (an acrostic poem)


Until his problems climbed higher than his hopes

Neil had always been an optimist

Determined to find the best, even in a bad situation

Even when his bank account dove deep into the red. That’s when he borrowed money from “Uncle” Sal

Reaching for the dice, he blew on them and tossed his long shot

Epic (an acrostic poem)


Every story needs a hero and a villain

Perhaps they are even the same character

It then becomes all about the hero’s journey

Care to take on the role?  It will be…