Scone (an acrostic poem)


Sometimes you need something sweet.

Connie pointed to the orange cranberry pastry and paid for her splurge.

Once seated she dipped it in her coffee and took a bite.

Nothing prepared her for the explosion of signals from her tastebuds.

Everyone in her family preferred biscuits, but she would always be team…

Pillow (an acrostic poem)


Plowing and sowing the world of sleep

It was hard work, but he was a farmer to his soul

Little furrows stretched to the horizon containing the roots of fertile dreams and scream-inducing nightmares

Lying there, waiting to be harvested

Once he was ready and picked them, Morbius would pay him handsomely for this crop

Wait till the slumbering humans were served these delectables!

Charge (an acrostic poem)


Compounding electrons on top of each other as they awaited the start

Hovering for the signal to begin.

And then they were off, arcing down from the sky

Racing electrons superheated the air in their attempt to be the first to the ground

Giving a photo finish as they all crossed the line in a flash

E air clapped at such a magnificent race.  Oh, the spectacle.

Fog (an acrostic poem)


Formless gray extended in all directions

Obsficating everything, and making it all seem alien

Going back to the previous room, she tried to remember why she had gone there. Got to love brain…

Bistro (an acrostic poem)


Being as hungry as he was, he sat with the menu pondering his options.

It was always tempting to just say, “I’ll have one of everything.”

Silly as that thought was…

Though maybe today was the day to do it.

Really, he had the funds for a once-in-a-lifetime splurge, and this was the right place.

Ordering it all, he made friends sharing all the tapas.

Secrets (an acrostic poem)


She wanted to bare her essence, her soul

Embracing her truth before setting it free into the world

Cauterizing the cuts those words caused by her clutching them so desperately tight

Releasing them would allow so much healing to enter

Except she just couldn’t do it.  She screamed as she hugged them tighter

The idea of giving up her truth and being naked, of needing to find a new truth

She would be an open window, an empty container, a person without value, a woman without …

Lever (an acrostic poem)


Looking to get him to budge just a bit

Evelyn laid out her argument like a lawyer

Vivid and concrete examples of the whys

Everything out in the open, she waited for his decision

Really her dad had no way to say no because if he tried she would pull out her pouty lip and well…

Attack (an acrostic poem)


An army to the east and another to the west

That made his position in the middle very problematic

The command had told him to flee and save as many of his troops as he could

And that was tempting, but this was the small town his wife had grown up in

Couldn’t leave her family and friends to become at most a footnote in history

Knowing it was futile, he gave the order to charge. Maybe it would give them enough time to escape.