Brave (an acrostic poem)


Be there for each other

Remember, you will someday not be here

And what you do and who you help will be all you leave

Verify that legacy is the one you want to represent you

Even if some say you’re weak, show them that weakness can be strength.  Be…

Song (an acrostic poem)


Sounds dancing harmoniously within her soul

Oozing the gospel of the human experience like the sweat dripping from her pores

Never missing the beat of her nervous heart

Giving a moment that connected all dots, all the people, all the experiences

Dish (an acrostic poem)


Determined to consume her weight in pasta

It tasted so good.  The sauce was so savory

Slurping noodle after noodle splattered sauce everywhere

Her date watched with a hungry smile.  He thought she was such a tasty…

Greedy (an acrostic poem)


Give me it all!  I won’t leave anything behind.

Really, I am going to horde it all

Every single piece I can get my hands on

Everyone else might think that is obsessive

Doesn’t stop me, I think they’re just jealous

You think others really need chocolate?  Nope, it’s all mine!

Forget (an acrostic poem)


Focusing on what memories she had left

Organizing them in some sort of mental filing cabinet

Realizing later that she had lost the keys to those drawers

Giving her so much less to attach her to this existence

Everything that was her softly faded out, lost to everyone

The fact that she was still alive was little consolation

Ramp (an acrostic poem)


Raising expectations to an unsustainable level

As the crowd goes wild, flying over the gap between fiction and reality

Making the question of how they would land a scary topic

Pitching sideways on the landing, the public crashed and burned, and that’s why we can’t have nice things

Find (an acrostic poem)


Focusing on what he had lost stole all his spare time and consumed his happiness.

It left him starved for the nourishment that was “The Before”.

Now that she had come into his life, all that was scrambled.

Didn’t get back any spare time, but he was stuffed with happiness

Pain (an acrostic poem)

Punished at the speed of thought

As her mental sea exploded with wave after wave

Intensity so high she had to close her eyes and grit her teeth

Nerves fried, she fled into the oblivion of darkness hoping to find relief

Mark (an acrostic poem)


Many hands make the chore light

And that was his philosophy through life

Reaching out with his hands to help all those he could

Keeping to this up even as he passed, so many came to celebrate him, it made his passing easier.

Chat (an acrostic conversation)


Could you tell me about your day, but make sure it’s not something I care about.”

How about I expound about memes, but without me giving you the picture.”

Ah, that might work, but can you mention random people I don’t know for context?”

That would be peachy! Thank you for such a wonderful conversation.”