Clippy (Spenserian Sonnet Style)

Clippy was my dearest friend

As I worked upon my book

He always had advice to send

As I wrote my gobbledygook


Every day I would see him look

As the words would begin to flow

He would always give his outlook

On how my formatting should go


But then one day he wanted to show

A way to format the entire thing

He had me select my manifesto

All with one gigantic swing


I blame my friend Clippy, and not the hard booze

For now there was nothing left of my dance with my muse



Twilight (an acrostic poem)

That in between light and dark

When magic was at its strongest

Isabel cast my spell

Looking for a way to win his love

It may seem silly to most people

Giving this a try

Hell, she thought it was silly herself

That didn’t stop her from hoping they were all wrong



The New Thanksgiving Tradition (an Italian sonnet)

I look at my meal of turkey and pie

As I smile at the family huddling near

The football game raising a tear

As Cowboys fans keep asking why

Praying boldly for at least a tie

But I am waiting patiently for my wife to appear

So I can thank her for the best idea of the year

As the real festivities are on nigh

For the store’s doors are just over there

And we had cousin Jeb first in line

He got one of the drumsticks, it was only fair,

As the rest of us feast and dine

Tailgating is not just for sports, but take care

When those doors open the 72 inch 4K TV is mine!