Ramp (an acrostic poem)

Image: presstelegram.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/LPT-L-GPTHUNDER-0921.jpg

Raising expectations to an unsustainable level

As the crowd goes wild, flying over the gap between fiction and reality

Making the question of how they would land a scary topic

Pitching sideways on the landing, the public crashed and burned, and that’s why we can’t have nice things

The Lesson (an 100 word story)

Image: smgrp.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/shutterstock_513209761-shattered-mirror.jpg

Under a gloomy gray sky, she looked at the shattered pieces of her life strewn at her bleeding feet.  She stood there dumbfounded.  Everything was gone in mere moments!  She cried and almost just gave up, but…

Time kept moving.

Tears dried.

The sun crept out from behind the clouds.

She grabbed a broom and began to clean up the mess that had been her life and threw it away.  She kept a couple of small pieces to remind herself of the before times.  She then made a cup of tea and looked at the horizon.

The phoenix watched and learned.

Bunny (an acrostic poem)

Image: soyummy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/why-do-we-color-eggs-at-easter.jpg

Bright eyed and bushy tailed was how they described her

Until that one morning she cracked and decided to punish their sin of sloth

Now she took their breakfast, camouflaged it, then hid it, forcing them to work for it

Never again did they miss a sunrise in her house

You could say she was pretty hard boiled after all!

Wish (an acrostic poem)

Image: plasticstoday.com/sites/plasticstoday.com/files/styles/article_featured_retina/public/genie-bottle-300.jpg

What would I do if I found a genie in a bottle?

I would ask for three simple things.

Something that would make you smile, something to make you think, and something to give you peace.

Hope by you reading this some of it came true.

Jungle (an acrostic poem)


.Justice in this place seems to be defined by who can eat whom

Under the veneer of what some call civilization

Now I know how to fight to get what is mine

Given that we could just clearcut this place and set up something better

Looks like we are stuck in this humid hell at each other’s throats

Even as we all sing, “Welcome to the …”


Image: gvaquaworld.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/entradas/mexican-jungle-trees-stream.jpg

Penny (an acrostic poem)

Perhaps it is beneath your attention

Every cent counts in the long run, though

Now you might not think too much of your copper buddy

Never picking him up when he’s on the ground

Yet imagine the number of thoughts you didn’t buy because of it


Image: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/84/2005-Penny-Uncirculated-Obverse.png/220px-2005-Penny-Uncirculated-Obverse.png

Drift (an acrostic poem)

Down the river floated the inflatable raft

Rapids could be heard in the distance

If they paddled hard they could determine their course

Find the optimal entrance into the turbulent times

That’s why it was such a shame that they never got their paddles wet


Image: jacksonhole-traveler-production.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/24152903/mad-river-scenic-floats-1280×853.jpg