Newtonian (an acrostic poem)

Nothing like being the apple that fell far from the family tree to give you a complex

Everything about me was quirky from the start, and mercury wasn’t even in retrograde

While the world zigs, I zag for the hell of it

To each their own, but my goal is to pull everyone into my own erratic orbit

Observing their spin into the many body problem from hell

No, I am a chaotic ego with an id to match

If you doubt it, just do the calculus and you will derive the correct solution

All is possible, but my calculations and intuition will find the inevitable

Now take all your relativity crap and shove it!

Type (an acrostic poem)


The words were somewhere in my fingertips.

You might say I beat the story out when I compose at the keyboard.

Pushing them into electrons where they transform into photons from my monitor.

Everything coming full circle as I see what I create as I…

Fall (an acrostic poem)


Finding out gravity still works may be something cats excel at

And that can be bad enough, but when you are the subject of such an experiment

Learning once again that the ground is much harder and farther away the older you get, not good times

Look physics is really cool, until like, it isn’t.

Optical (an acrostic poem)


Overhead the clouds obscured the sun

Putting mute the prism’s ability to split light into colors

That didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the thing

It allowed her to see shapes in mind-bending ways

Causing her to giggle with delight

And when the sun finally did come out…

Light was cleaved into a rainbow, and she got to be a leprechaun.  Now where was that gold?

Bang (an acrostic poem)


Beginning was so tiny that they called it big

And the sound that could not be there, a shot heard throughout the universe

Now we are the echoes of that cosmic starter’s pistol

Giving chase to the ever-fading light

Vector (an acrostic poem)


Velocity was too high and from the wrong direction for the two spacecraft to dock.

Even with all the acceleration he had at his fingertips, the joining would not be successful.

Considering the impulse they were about to experience, he shouted, “Brace yourselves!”

The impact caused them to increase angular momentum, spinning them and the forces pinned them hard against their seats.

Observing their attempted destination spin away into the void, he fired the thrusters to arrest the erratic rotation.

Rockets fired and the spacecraft slowed in the gravitational field it floated in.

Data (an acrostic poem)


Derived from imprecise measurements that approximate reality

Actively virtualizing senses that were beyond human capability

Taking all of that and growing graphical landscapes to frolic mentally therein

Allowing everyone their own perspective from which they can misinterpret everything

Sphere (an acrostic poem)


Suns spun in their gravitational dance around the galaxy

Planets pulled around and around each of those hot balls of nuclear fire

How amazing it was that the cosmic dance continued since time eternal

Every clear night she looked up at the dancers above

Reveling in the opportunity to study the performance

Embracing the challenge of cyphering out the music

She loved astrophysics

Starlight (an acrostic poem)


Stars send speeding photons flying through the nothingness

To land blissfully on my eyes as I look heavenward

Awestruck at the age of the light that graced me

Realizing a small chunk of ancient history

Looking at a place that might not exist anymore

It causes me to pause, wondering what I am casting into the void around me

Giving life to something that will outlast my stay in this universe

Hoping that someone will gaze upon that something and be inspired

To create their own light and cast it into the unknown

Strings (an acrostic conversation)


Stuff like this yarn makes the entire universe.”

That is total bull and you know it!”

Really?  And what makes you such an expert, do you do physics?”

I know something much better than physics that tells me that’s a lie.”

Never going to believe you, but why don’t you tell me.”

Given that cats exist, and if the universe is made of yarn stuff, why haven’t cats unraveled everything?”

So you know what, you may be on to something.”