Frost (an acrostic poem)

Forging on down the path less traveled

Rarely has such a line struck home as tonight

Outside the sleet and freezing rain coats everything

So driving right now is crazy difficult

That the plow is on the more traveled path makes me regret my decision



Scars (an acrostic poem)

So you have some marks on you from life’s battles

Can’t have lived without acquiring a few

And you have lived, so show them some fondness

Remember they help make you the unique person you are

So be proud and keep fighting.  You’re worth it!



Decision (an acrostic poem)

Don’t believe I chose this life

Even though I’ve lived it for over fifty years

Couldn’t really find a single point where

I didn’t coast along life’s eddy currents

So you see, I am a true floater

It might infuriate some of you

Or it might make me your hero

Now that, dear reader, seems to be your…



Youth (an acrostic poem )

Young at heart, her dad tried to look cool

Only he had no chance, and she knew it

Unaware of his odds, he struck a pose in front of her friends

They burst out laughing at his ineptness

He looked crestfallen, until she clapped, then hugged him

