Flabbergasted (an acrostic poem)

Image: i.ytimg.com/vi/gzVtvw3sBLo/maxresdefault.jpg

Focused on the end result was what got him through life.

Living moment to moment, always marching toward the end goal of the moment.

And that’s why he sat there in utter shock.

Because his plans had just been shattered into a million pieces.

Blooming into millions of new problems that he had no answers for.

Everything he had meticulously set up.

Reaching for the half-empty whiskey bottle, he took another long pull.

Going to be a long night trying to figure all this out again.

And if that wasn’t crazy enough, he now had people trying to call him day and night.

So that they could be part of it all, part of the rebuild.

That made it worse since he had always had to do it on his own, so their help now seemed disingenuous.

Every day from now on will be even more difficult

Don’t win the lottery.  That should have been his first rule.

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