Found (an acrostic poem)

Four years ago Sable set out to find herself

Outside of her job, she had nothing holding her back

Undertaking this journey met getting rid of everything

Now she is a digital nomad roaming, writing, and ever searching

Don’t know if her quest will ever be successful, but the journey is amazing



Lost and Found (an acrostic poem)

Leaving home was always a chore for Harry

Only the comfort of solitude gave him any comfort

Still the season forced him out of his hibernation from humanity

Thus he was stuck in this terminal waiting for his flight


As if fate wanted to see him squirm, now his plane was delayed

Nothing was moving because of the two feet of white stuff outside

Denver was now his home for the next day or so


Finding a landing zone, Harry watched his fellow nomads

Outside they acted cordial, putting on a mask of civility

Under that mask, Harry could see kindred spirits

Now a sincere smile spread on his face

Despair loved company.  Harry had discovered his tribe.

