Type (an acrostic poem)

Image: techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Keychron-Q8-03-2.jpeg

The words were somewhere in my fingertips.

You might say I beat the story out when I compose at the keyboard.

Pushing them into electrons where they transform into photons from my monitor.

Everything coming full circle as I see what I create as I…

Thread (an acrostic poem)

Image: cloudfront-eu-central-1.images.arcpublishing.com/thenational/DAQLCHNTO3JYLYDLPZUZQTHAIU.jpg

The information dragged on and on as far as the mind’s eye could see

Her imagination trying to scoop it up and deposit it into memory

Research she knew she would use later

Examining lines of thought and spinning them together

As she wrote down her ideas

Determined to weave her story

Sleep (an acrostic poem)

Image: i0.wp.com/post.medicalnewstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/07/GettyImages-1091894716_header-1024×575.jpg

Soundlessly floating among clouds of thought

Leaping from one random thing to the next, but trying to create a narrative

Eventually to his sleep-addled brain, it all made sense

Everything a flow of deranged circumstances distilled into a crazy story

Pushing slumber back into consciousness, the construct fades, but the emotional memory remains

Story (an acrostic poem)

1) Image: https://images.theconversation.com/files/45159/original/rptgtpxd-1396254731.jpg

Searching for conspiracists to spread the word

To make sure the world knows the truths

Of mysteries and magic, of history and the future, of the real and the surreal

Rascals and damsels, princesses and princes, paupers and millionaires

You up for the challenge? All you need to join is to pick up a book and read.

Operate (an acrostic poem)


Old things had to make way for the new

Pulling back on the lever, the wrecking ball swung and smashed into the wall

Everywhere the ball hit, destruction reigned

Reducing the old structure into historic rubble

And she knew she was good at what she was doing

The crane danced to her choreography, each pirouette punctuated by the boom of connection

Enabling her to place the final period to that building’s story

Watch (an acrostic poem)

Image: cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/08/07/17/43/church-879605_1280.jpg

When the hands swept past noon

All eyes were drawn to the two men standing in the street

Today only one of them would walk away

Capping a monumental story of conflict between two protagonists

High above, the bells chimed out, punctuated by two percussive blasts, and then dead silence

Epic (an acrostic poem)

Image: digitalscrapbook.com/sites/default/files/styles/456_scale/public/s3fs-user-content/graphic-image/user-2051/node-76321/good-day-painted-words-epic-graphic-cursive-handwriting-hand-written-word-art-brushes-writing.png

Every story needs a hero and a villain

Perhaps they are even the same character

It then becomes all about the hero’s journey

Care to take on the role?  It will be…

Story (an acrostic poem)

Image: jotform.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/photos-with-story-featured-15.jpg

So what would you say if I told you that magic really does exist

That it surrounds you, but you don’t even notice it

Or that you probably have magic in your house right now

Really. Lean in close and let me tell you a secret

You only need to open a book and let it cast its spell on you

Interested? (a 100 word story opening)

Image: cdn.worldsciencefestival.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Beautiful-Minds-1-e1509128044405.jpg

Someone once said that even the villain is the hero of their own story.  Yeah, that’s a bunch of… 

Sorry.  I’m not usually that crass.  I prefer to be in control.  Total control.  That’s why I am leaving this recording.  I don’t want myopic historians researching me to think I was lucky or a bumbling opportunist.  This will be the witness to my greatness, especially since no one else is capable of fully comprehending what I am about to do without me helping by giving you this simplified commentary.  Sit back and marvel at the mind of an unmitigated genius.

Chart (an acrostic poem)

Image: i.pinimg.com/originals/90/98/fa/9098fac6c350e87eb7770864f96b5aae.jpg

Creating pictures to represent data

Has a power unto its own

And we react to that image in about a half a second

Reaching conclusions without really knowing the story behind it

That is why even though a picture is a thousand words, they could all be lies