Paper (an acrostic poem)


Pushing a pile of it across her desk back in 2019

All she wanted was to bury her head and ignore the rest of it

Perhaps somehow find a wormhole in reality and fall in

Emerging in her house, free from any of those damn dead trees

Reality hit her during the pandemic.  Electrons were even worse than …

Bury (an acrostic poem)


Beneath the soil, we planted our elders

Under the shade of the spruce and maple, it

Rooted our community in history

Yet few ever unearthed this resource, preferring to let the dead sleep.

Patch (an acrostic poem)

Pushing away from the table, Ethan looked at his shirt

At the elbow there was a large hole worn into the fabric

That hole was the result of working all these years wearing that shirt

Could he fix that hole, sure, but that would mask his contribution

He would do that the day he retired, else they could bury him with that hole



Darlings (a 50 word story)

A lot of writing advice connotes I should be willing to kill my darlings.  Okay, they were right.  It made my writing more gritty and realistic.  The problem now isn’t how to make what I put on the page more lifelike, but where am I going to bury the bodies?

