Flare (an acrostic poem)

Image: ak.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/1036550600/thumb/1.jpg

Flames leapt from the cylinder illuminating the darkness

Leaving Charlene blinded as she stood still among the dancing white flakes

All she could think about in that moment was the story of the little match girl

Realizing that she was going to reprise the main lead role unless there was a Christmas miracle

Every year after, Charlene would leave out a hot toddy and peanut butter cookies because… well they were his favorite

Peanut Butter and Banana Dreams (a 150 word story)

Those people that thought Elvis was still alive made Travis laugh.  It had been almost 41 years since that fateful day and yet Travis could remember every intimate, crazy detail like it had been yesterday.  He was supposed to play Utica, New York on that tour.  Why on earth had they booked him in Utica?  Well Travis was happy it never happened.

Travis chuckled at that thought as he looked out the nursing home window.  He spent a lot of time thinking about the past and what might have been.  That was how Travis spent most of his time.  Getting older may suck, but the alternative was worse.  Besides, being 88 wasn’t that bad, really.  He still could enjoy his music and his peanut butter and banana sandwiches.  He then remembered the sequined jump suits.  Man he hated those.  Who thought they were a good idea?  They made him itch.


Image: s3.amazonaws.com/zweb-s3.uploads/visiontv/2017/07/19122555/Elvis_Hawaii_600_1.jpg