Trend (an acrostic poem)


The second time bell bottoms became a thing

Really made me like, well, gag me with a spoon

Eventually we were all flossed out dancing

Now instead of couples doing “Netflix and chill”

Dogs will be enjoying “barkitecture”

Song (an acrostic poem)


Sounds dancing harmoniously within her soul

Oozing the gospel of the human experience like the sweat dripping from her pores

Never missing the beat of her nervous heart

Giving a moment that connected all dots, all the people, all the experiences

Fold (an acrostic poem)


Floating through the air

Origami wings fluttering in the wind

Leaves a trail of delightful children’s squeals

Dancing lazily in the muted sunbeams

Disco (an acrostic poem)


Dancing beneath the huge mirror ball

Its reflections allows the light to dance among us

Sound escaping from the speakers driving our bodies into

Contortions of limbs and torsos while

Outside the 70’s became an inferno

Classic (an acrostic poem)


Cleopatra was definitely her BFF

Leaving that loser Marc Anthony behind of course

And she loved the idea of dancing with Frank Astaire

Singing in the rain dodging the puddles in her swing dress

She enjoyed belting songs with Patsy Kline at full volume

It made her feel connected to life

Could be her soul was so old it was a…

Flare (an acrostic poem)


Flames leapt from the cylinder illuminating the darkness

Leaving Charlene blinded as she stood still among the dancing white flakes

All she could think about in that moment was the story of the little match girl

Realizing that she was going to reprise the main lead role unless there was a Christmas miracle

Every year after, Charlene would leave out a hot toddy and peanut butter cookies because… well they were his favorite

Crispy (an acrostic poem)


Crunching on this piece of Nashville hot fried chicken

Relishing in the heat and texture dancing in my mouth

It is a spiritual experience to be sure

So much noise and so much spice

Perhaps I should have gotten that milkshake after all

Yeppers, as my mouth begins to erupt, yes, I should have

Bulky (an acrostic poem)


Being a ballerina had always been his dream

Underneath the bright lights, dancing en pointe

Looking into infinity as he bounded across the stage

Knowing he was the center of everyone’s attention

Yet he knew that being a hippopotamus was going to make it difficult