Tape (an acrostic poem)


The situation was very sticky that she found herself in

All the good intentions in the world were not going to help her now

Pushing the button, the last of her coins activated the slot machine

Everyone watched the miracle on the old grainy video when they pulled the …

Shift (an acrostic poem)

Image: m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61awoI2lWBL.SX425.jpg

So it was time to work, but he didn’t want to

How was he supposed to do this for the rest of his active life

If he waited until he could retire, he would be too old to do anything fun

F his boss and all the talk about work-life balance

The fact that he punched the timeclock and not his supervisor was a miracle

Flare (an acrostic poem)

Image: ak.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/1036550600/thumb/1.jpg

Flames leapt from the cylinder illuminating the darkness

Leaving Charlene blinded as she stood still among the dancing white flakes

All she could think about in that moment was the story of the little match girl

Realizing that she was going to reprise the main lead role unless there was a Christmas miracle

Every year after, Charlene would leave out a hot toddy and peanut butter cookies because… well they were his favorite

Miracle (an acrostic poem)

Misha looked back over the waves

In the distance, she could still see the fires on the shore

Reaching out, she placed a comforting hand on Herb

After everything, the two of them had been through

Cutting ties with their past and sailing into the unknown was the hardest

Last week it looked like they would both be dead in a mass grave

Even unbelievers like Misha could recognize their escape for what it was


Image: i.ytimg.com/vi/lidaZTgPTaw/maxresdefault.jpg

Spirit (an acrostic poem)

Something about you is miraculous

Perhaps it is how you smile, or the way you pick at your food

I don’t really know how, but all I do know

Regardless of what the world says you are important

I believe we all are a Christmas miracle

The babe born anew in us today



Image: armenianchurch.us/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/BLOG-Advent-Star-of-Bethlehem.jpg

Miracle (an acrostic poem)

More people were in Dean’s apartment than what he was comfortable with

Instead of freaking out though, here he was flipping a water bottle, trying to land it

Rachel had challenged him to be more outgoing, to try new things

And Dean took her advice to heart, even though a part of him wanted to hide

Clearly this was going well considering Dean had never thrown a party

Landing the bottle, the crowd went wild.  Dean was so happy

Even though he didn’t know a single person there except Rachel