Expiry (an acrostic poem)

Image: ark.ie/content/images/_385x225_crop_center-center_80_none/Make-Your-Own-Xs-Os.jpg

Everything has a time and a place.

X in certain spots, O in others.

Putting them together correctly is a path to victory.

If done poorly, the dreaded line of defeat would be drawn.

Reaching for his pencil we finally wrote an X on the upper left corner.

Yet he waited too long and his 3-year-old gave up and looked for someone else to play with.

Swift (an acrostic conversation)

Image: hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/21-police-brochure-mr-1-1634235029.jpg

So, do you know how fast you were going?”

Well yeah, officer.  I was going 100 in a 55.  I felt like it’s my right to express myself in that way.”

Is that right?  You just expressed yourself out of a license and into a trip downtown.”

Funny, if you do that I’ll be expressing those nudes you sent my wife to yours as well as your superiors.” 

Then you should be off, you obviously have places to go and people to see.”