Speech (an acrostic poem)

Image: i.ytimg.com/vi/loNkInxlOIY/maxresdefault.jpg

Spoken word woven with passion and distinction.

Punctuated the need for expression of the idea behind the movement.

Engaging those with ears to hear and hearts that were open.

Enraging those that had already decided they would be upset.

Canโ€™t please everyone all the time, but boy it would be nice.

Heaven knows we could use it sometimes.

Rewind (an acrostic poem)

Image: di2ponv0v5otw.cloudfront.net/posts/2022/04/30/626db4753e732b5724cae5c7/m_626db481bb5937895884d7a3.jpg

Reaching back in time, to a point where she was so much happier

Emily flipped open her old sketchbook and perused its doodles

Winding lines solidified abstract ideas into graphite reality

It pulled at her heartstrings to see how far she had come

Now she would be aghast if her art was that sloppy, but she missed the raw joy frozen on those pages

Determined to recapture that moment, she broke out her pencil and felt herself thaw.

Cool (an acrostic poem)

Image: wallpapers.com/images/hd/cat-with-shades-cool-picture-lkenou4wsqrbib37.jpg

Caring about how he looked was a full-time job.

Obsessed with always being in the “in crowd”.

Only worried about accidentally making a social faux pas.

Leaving him very popular and very stressed out.

Sparkle (an acrostic poem)

Image: miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/1*Ct3jqWblp8uBXUSjZhs0zQ.png

She batted her eyes at him.

Putting his heart all a flutter.

And that wasn’t the half of it.

Reaching for the box in his jacket, he hesitated.

Knowing it was probably too soon, but he knew she was the one.

Letting the box go, he smiled and contented himself with looking into her eyes.

Eventually, there would be the right time, but for now, that light in her eyes was more important than all the diamonds.

Slope (an acrostic conversation)

Image: useruploads.socratic.org/7KXtBxYSVKTQVJQljQ4e_Pythagorean-Theorem.jpg

โ€œSo youโ€™re saying that Pythagoras solved it?โ€

โ€œLooks like it, but I donโ€™t trust that guy.โ€

โ€œOkay, Iโ€™ll bite, why not?โ€

โ€œPeople like him are just too square.โ€

โ€œEver the comedian, you are, but this time I think you are coming at it from the right angle.โ€

Expiry (an acrostic poem)

Image: ark.ie/content/images/_385x225_crop_center-center_80_none/Make-Your-Own-Xs-Os.jpg

Everything has a time and a place.

X in certain spots, O in others.

Putting them together correctly is a path to victory.

If done poorly, the dreaded line of defeat would be drawn.

Reaching for his pencil we finally wrote an X on the upper left corner.

Yet he waited too long and his 3-year-old gave up and looked for someone else to play with.

Confusion (an acrostic poem)

Image: media.npr.org/assets/img/2015/12/14/confused-c2e1e9d14491a9486d996da945debcc9d6ce7170-s1100-c50.jpg

Canโ€™t find my mental keys amongst the clutter of my mind.

Old ideas and memories shuffled with plans for the future and a recipe for Sloppy Joes.

Nothing has any rhyme or reason, no matter the time or the season.

Focus is blown out and my cerebral white balance is just not there.

Under such conditions, simple things that constitute a life seem overly fuzzy.

So what do I do to get through this chaos with a chance to make ptogress?

Itโ€™s simple, but I donโ€™t remember where I put that particular memo.

Oh, I have some hope, because itโ€™s around here somewhere.

Now if I could just recall how much garlic goes into those Sloppy Joes.

Fragment (an acrostic poem)

Image: media.artsper.com/artwork/1076358_4_m.jpg

Finding bits and pieces of his life scattered across his shattered mind.

Random memories pop in and out with no context or connections.

And the voices that seemed impossible and possible at the same time.

Giving him advice, arguing with each other, singing random songsโ€ฆ

Meant that any idea of normal was difficult to ascertain.

Every day was a journey through a desert of identity.

Never knowing where an oasis of โ€œhimโ€ could be found.

To drink from that elusive water instead of the seemingly endless Styx flowing through his soul.

Jumble (an acrostic poem)

Image: charlottediocese.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/LR-Word-Jumble-photo-png-file.png

Just when he thought he understood everything, he got the news she was gone.

Under the circumstances it was amazing he could put two words together coherently.

Maybe this would be his time to shine, to show the world he could do what it takes.

But that was a pipedream and he was stuck inside this nightmare.

Looking at his hands, he wondered how he was going to pick up the pieces of his shattered life.

Eventually he would have to figure out something, but for now, he let his emotions collapse into a โ€ฆ

Plus (an acrostic poem)

Image: cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2012/04/02/16/07/plus-24844_1280.png

Putting things together is something I do all the time

Lets me add all the nuances I think I need

Until I start to subtract by adding too much

So am I good at knowing when that happens?ย  No, but when I do learn it, it will be a hugeโ€ฆ