Lick (an acrostic poem)

Lounging in the shade, Marcus stared at his ice cream cone

It was dripping chocolate down the cone, almost touching his hand

Chills of pleasure went down his spine as he slurped up the drippings

Keeping his eyes closed in rapture, he didn’t see the rest of the ice cream tumble to the ground



Enable (an acrostic poem)

Everyone deserves a second chance

Now Becky was trying to prove it to her daughter

As they watched the Twitter feed for conformation

But as the minutes flowed by, Becky knew that it wasn’t going to happen

Looking at her daughter’s expectant face, she decided on a course of action

Eva, your dad just said we should go get ice cream.  The three year old cheered

Yes Please (an acrostic poem)

Yearning for that one last cookie, Jenn looked inside the cookie jar.

Even after seeing nothing inside, she still inserted her hand, grasping air

Suddenly depression was sitting on her shoulder laughing at her


Putting the jar back took all of Jenn’s willpower.  She wanted to go all She Hulk on it

Looking about, she tried to figure out what was next plan of attack

Escaping to the local donut shop jumped to the top of the mental list

As she reached for her keys, her cell phone rang

Steve was calling.  She didn’t really like him, but he invited her out for ice cream

Everyone deserved a second chance, right?

Cos She Knows Better

The two wizards stood at opposite edges of a pentagram drawn inside a large circle where the points of the pentagram almost pierced the circle’s edge.  They had eyes only for each other, not noticing the gathering crowd waiting to watch the spectacle that was about to commence.

Eric of the Purple Cloak waved his arms in a rotated figure eight, summoning the spirits of his dead ancestors to give him strength in the coming ordeal.  Luscious of the Red Order laughed before striking his staff into the ground, calling upon the life blood of the earth to pour into his magic.

The two wizards kept perfectly still, daring the other one to show weakness and be the first to attack.  The crowd began to get anxious.  They wanted to see what the two robed men were about to do, but it was cold out and the entertainment factor was quickly running out.  The crowd began to disperse with murmurs of idiots and cross dressing clowns.

This angered Eric.  He turned to address the haters.  Unfortunately for Eric, this was seen as an act of aggression for Luscious, and Luscious cast his attack spell, summing an elemental of earth to crush Eric’s legs.  Eric had to swallow his words and spin to defend himself, jumping into the air with gangly dexterity to avoid the perceived hands from accomplishing their mission.

Snickers rose from the crowd, but Luscious ignored their snide remarks.  He unleashed his next spell firing a ball of negative energy spinning toward Eric’s midsection.  Eric landed on the ground and managed to get his magically enhanced hands in front of him.  Eric caught the ball of energy in his hands, and with a brief squishing of the ball, he managed to flash it out of existence.  Eric then flung his arms forward and a howling filled Luscious’ ears as Luscious saw a spirit wolf fly through the air, saliva dripping from its ghostly jaws.  Luscious brought his arm up to fend off the ghostly beast, but the wolf sunk its translucent teeth into Luscious’ elbow causing Luscious to howl.

A little girl in the crowd pulled on her daddy’s arm.  “Daddy, what are those two men doing?”

Her daddy bent over.  “Those are cos players,” her daddy said.  “They dress up as someone else.  These two are acting out a battle.”

“But I don’t see them fighting,” she said.

“They are pretending,” her daddy said.

Just then Luscious managed to land a spell into the leg of Eric causing him to fall to his side.  Luscious wasn’t able to follow through since he appeared winded.

“Then I’ve got this,” replied the little girl.  Before her dad could say a word, the little girl moved to the front of the crowd and pointed her hands in the shape of guns at the two cos players.  “Bang bang.  You guys are dead, and I win,” she said.

The two cos players smiled, then gave their best dramatic death throws before collapsing to the ground amid applause from the crowd.  The little girl turned back to her dad and smiled triumphantly.  “See, Daddy?” she asked.

Her daddy nodded but just then two Robocop knockoffs rode up on Segways.  “Little girl, you are under arrest,” said the left knockoff in a metallic monotone.

The little girl put her hands on her hips.  “Why?” she asked defiantly.

The second knockoff got off the Segway.  “Killing wizards is a capital offense,” he said, almost keeping a straight face monotone throughout.

The little girl thought for a minute, then pantomimed putting her guns away.  “I’m a little girl.  I think it is a lower case offense,” she said.

That was it.  The two knockoffs started laughing and that infected the rest of the crowd, including the dead wizards.  Her daddy shook his head.  “And I was worried you would be weirded out by all the costumes,” he said.

“Remember daddy,” the little girl said, “I play dress up all the time.”

Her daddy rubbed the top of her head.  “You amaze me my little princess,” he said.

“Of course I do,” the little girl said.  “Now can we get an ice cream cone?”

Her daddy called out in a loud voice.  “Make way for my princess.  She desires the ice of cream.”

As the crowd separated to let them through, the little girl patted her daddy’s arm.  “And I’m not a princess,” she said.  “I’m the queen.”

Her daddy smiled.  “Don’t grow up too fast kid.  Pretend you’re a little girl for a bit more.”

The little girl grabbed onto her daddy’s hand.  “Okay Daddy, but I still want chocolate ice cream.”