Carry On(an acrostic poem)


Cupped hands holding all the ideas I had

And I am running to find the places they all need to be planted

Reaching my first destination, I try to plant just one idea

Really screw up and most tumble through my fingers to infertile ground. Devastating!

Yet after a period of mourning I rush on, and something miraculous happens. My hands refill!

Oh if I knew ideas would repopulate I would not have been so careful in the beginning

Now you know. Rush and let your ideas scatter, and wait to see what awesomeness grows!

Spirit (an acrostic poem)

Something about you is miraculous

Perhaps it is how you smile, or the way you pick at your food

I donโ€™t really know how, but all I do know

Regardless of what the world says you are important

I believe we all are a Christmas miracle

The babe born anew in us today


