Herd (an acrostic poem)

Image: media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/16/95/a3/8f/broken-tv-due-to-miss.jpg

Have you heard the latest conspiracy theory that was on TV last night?

Everyone is just sheep eating the grass fed to them by their favorite station’s talk shows.

Really, dude, you should know that all of it has at least a bit of truth.

Don’t think it can be on cable if not, right?

Cosy (a British acrostic poem)

Image: i0.wp.com/www.stamfordfire.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/2018-08-20_10-12-34.png

Cuddling underneath his fleece blankie he smiled

Outside the wind is shaking the windows wanting in

Sound of the crackling flames in the fireplace lull him almost to sleep

Yawning he shut off the TV.  He wanted to live in that moment forever.

Sweet (an acrostic poem)


Saccharine dreams and ideals permeate her world

Winding her up into a sugar coma

Everything becomes a surreal new reality

Enabling dark pits and holes to grow in the enamel of her TV smile

That didn’t matter though, because the nothings told her so


Image: dooleydental.com/blog/wp-content/uploads//AdobeStock_13844435.jpeg

Grind (an acrostic poem)

Getting the words to flow seemed impossible today

Really it would be easier to just kick back and watch TV

Instead here was Bob pounding on the keyboard

Now very few of those words tapped out will probably make it past the edits

Definitely none of the ones NOT typed would ever see the final manuscript though


Image: images.techhive.com/images/article/2017/04/20170401_210649-100719526-large.jpg