Poet (an acrostic poem)

Image: mandyevebarnett.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/unleashed-imagination.jpg

Placing emotions on a page, then folding them into intricate origami dioramas of life

Or pluck stars from the sky and plant them under mountains to grow gemstone geodes

Even distill humanity, boil off the dross, and serve up a potent shot of pure intoxication and misery

Then crumple up the whole thing, delete the file, and try again since the craft was not perfected

Restart (an acrostic poem) Arise part 1

Ravaged city ruins still smoked in the distance

Everyone in Sarah’s small band had lost everything there

Still they followed her as she led them into the mountains

There was nothing left for them in civilization

All of a sudden the air was filled with another rocket engine rumble

Racing for cover, Sarah looked away as a flash of destruction washed over her

Taking a deep breath of the ashes of civilization she began walking again