Hollow (an acrostic poem)

Image: i.pinimg.com/originals/42/9a/d6/429ad652e9b2267bcd1b36e0ae6a77cf.jpg

He was sick of feeling empty inside

Only self-pity seemed to fill the void, and he knew that wasn’t healthy

Looking out over the storm-tossed ocean waves, he wondered what to do

Love felt so far away, somewhere out there past the emotional gray horizon

Of course, even if he got out there it might not help

Walking away from the water, he tried to convince himself that being full wouldn’t feel all that great

Norm (an acrostic poem)

Image: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/43/Bar-P1030319.jpg

Nothing was the usual in that bar
Ordering a drink never meant that was what you got
Rarely did it matter since everyone was there for the ambiance
Magical unicorns walking around seemed to be enough

Graft (an acrostic poem)

Image: i.etsystatic.com/28921914/r/il/bd5492/3862000243/il_fullxfull.3862000243_ifud.jpg

Giving money away like it was going out of style

Reaching deep into their wallet to make everything happen

And boy did they.  They were a walking talking party

From sunup till way past sundown, sometimes for twenty-four hours straight

Then one day their aunt realized where her money was going, and he suddenly had none.

Mile (an acrostic poem)

Image: i.imgflip.com/x46xj.jpg

Making that walk down the hallway, her feet heavier with each step

If she had more time to think, more time to make sure, more time to know if this was right

She was now having doubts, yet here she was wearing white and wondering if she had an “I do” in her.

Everyone was waiting, but looking down that aisle felt like she was walking her last…

Boots (an acrostic poem)


Been cheating on me, okay I get it

Obviously I bore you because I’m just a cowgirl

Ordinary with a drawl, but let me tell you about country girls

These feet are definitely made for walking

So as Flo used to say, “Kiss my girts!”


Image: cowgirlsuntamed.com/images/WhiteCreamEmbroideryandUnderlayCowgirlBoots2b.jpg

Empty (an acrostic poem)


Emaciated emotional state

Means he didn’t even feel numb

Pushing aside those around him who care

The worst part was normally he was so full of life

Yet here he was, a walking black hole of nothingness


Image: japancamerahunter.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Hiroshi_Sugimoto.jpg

Deal (an acrostic poem)

Don’t you understand how good of a price this is?

Even shipping and handling is free, so how can you pass on this?

And if you want two, well we’ll throw that second one in on us.

Let your fingers do the walking and call us now.  Operators are standing by.


Image: i.ytimg.com/vi/jjb77v3LX_s/maxresdefault.jpg

Undead (an acrostic poem)

Until I had breathed my last I had never thought about my mortality

Now those last few moments I wondered a lot about it through the pain

Death, as I found out, can be a tricky subject now

Even as I felt my heartbeat that last time I knew something was wrong

All I wanted to do was move for a light, or into space, or anywhere else than this body

Damned that I get to be a walking corpse for the rest of eternity.  Kill me now!