Flare (an acrostic poem)

Image: ak.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/1036550600/thumb/1.jpg

Flames leapt from the cylinder illuminating the darkness

Leaving Charlene blinded as she stood still among the dancing white flakes

All she could think about in that moment was the story of the little match girl

Realizing that she was going to reprise the main lead role unless there was a Christmas miracle

Every year after, Charlene would leave out a hot toddy and peanut butter cookies because… well they were his favorite

Lights (an acrostic poem)

Looking for the switch, Maribelle stumbled in the dark

It didn’t get any better when she managed to find it

Giving it a flick did nothing to illuminate the situation

Her worst fears were confirmed, the power was out

That meant she had to fend for herself on this dark night

So when she struck her head on the low hanging beam she was blinded by the …