Rumble (an acrostic poem)


Reaching for the door he stumbled and fell

Under his prone body, the earth danced and shook

Maybe it was the rum shots of rum, but he then saw a painting fall

Being of not-so-sound mind, he laughed at the irony

Liquid courage surged through his veins as he managed to stand again

Except that’s when the house fell around him, so he joined it and cried.

Trash (an acrostic poem)

The rubbish he was writing piled up around him

Rambling ideas clashing with the other balderdash

Any semblance to story was pure happenstance

So when he was just about to throw the refuse away

He stumbled onto what he was going to write.



Lights (an acrostic poem)

Looking for the switch, Maribelle stumbled in the dark

It didn’t get any better when she managed to find it

Giving it a flick did nothing to illuminate the situation

Her worst fears were confirmed, the power was out

That meant she had to fend for herself on this dark night

So when she struck her head on the low hanging beam she was blinded by the …

Lame (an acrostic poem)

Limping into work, Liza felt crappy

As she got to her desk she got a call that she needed to go to HR

Manager there told her she was being let go because of an inappropriate joke

Eventually, she stumbled home, physically, mentally, and emotionally…

