Type (an acrostic poem)

Image: techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Keychron-Q8-03-2.jpeg

The words were somewhere in my fingertips.

You might say I beat the story out when I compose at the keyboard.

Pushing them into electrons where they transform into photons from my monitor.

Everything coming full circle as I see what I create as I…

Wire (an acrostic poem)

Image: literaryyard.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/utilitypoles.jpg

Windings of many strands dangle from poles made from transplanted dead trees

Incarcerated electrons forced to carry secret messages to and fro

Replying to their digital masters the information that was entrusted to them

Every part connected by the coppery web

Paper (an acrostic poem)

Image: acslaw.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/iStock-933389988-1.jpg

Pushing a pile of it across her desk back in 2019

All she wanted was to bury her head and ignore the rest of it

Perhaps somehow find a wormhole in reality and fall in

Emerging in her house, free from any of those damn dead trees

Reality hit her during the pandemic.  Electrons were even worse than …

Paper (an acrostic poem)

Putting things in writing was what James preferred

As digital copies couldn’t be trusted

Pen scratching along a surface made something physical

Electrons changed too quickly

Really he just liked making airplanes out of his writing when it didn’t work


Image: joebuhlig.com/assets/posts/the-day-on-paper.jpeg