Ice (an acrostic poem)


It was so cold outside, but he preferred to be out here shivering in physical misery

‘Cause she was inside

Eventually, he would have to go back in and suffer the emotional frostbite.

Visit (an acrostic poem)


Vagabond travels throughout the world

It allows for so many opportunities to touch lives

Simple sharing of a meal to participate in rambunctious parties

Invigorating dynamic exchanges of ideas and comradery

Then the postcards are the physical reminders of the adventures

Technology (an acrostic poem)


The mathmagicians cast their spell of logic

Electrical and mechanical design engineers took that energy and gave it physical form

Constructing a simulacrum of silicon and glass

Handing it off to the whisperers of binary

Now they coded in the soul and function of the new beast

Ordering the chaos of all the possibilities of this new creation

Lifting it from an inanimate object

Obscuring the line between animated and animator

Giving the world a new fascination that

You can hold in your hand

Crunch (an acrostic poem)


Chewing through the textures dancing in my mouth

Reveling in the amount of noise that escapes my piehole

Until everything Is broken down into the mush my stomach desires

Necessitating another bite of that audio and physical harmony

Chomping down on another symphony of mastication

Hope there are many encores!



Paper (an acrostic poem)

Putting things in writing was what James preferred

As digital copies couldn’t be trusted

Pen scratching along a surface made something physical

Electrons changed too quickly

Really he just liked making airplanes out of his writing when it didn’t work



Shout (an acrostic poem)

Standing firm in what he knew he needed to do, oblivious of physical demands

He loudly proclaimed his message of doom to all those that would hear

Obviously ignoring to the snickers and rude comments of the passers-by

Unable to understand why his message did not find fertile soil

The stain on his trousers spoke louder.

