Pressure (an acrostic poem)

Pushing past the limits of her endurance

Rita kept ratcheting up the tension in her muscles

Everything was on the line this time

Success and she was set for life

Slip up and she would be homeless and broken

Urging her body to give her just a little more

Rita growled as she felt her opponent quiver

Everything after that happened so fast she didn’t know how to react



Give Thanks (an acrostic poem)

Gifts of food and shelter were always welcome

I have been homeless for three years now

Vying for odd jobs and even odder places to sleep

Every day is a lesson in patience, humility, and humiliation


Today was no exception, even with the holiday

Have some breakfast at the shelter before heading out

Asking for loose change while finding recyclables

Now I sit on this bench wondering where my next day will lead

Knowing that I have little say in the matter

Still thankful for just being alive

A Touching Gift (a 150 word story)

Marvin dug through his grocery cart.  He knew he had that gift there somewhere.  He finally pulled out the single pink glove.  He handed it to Charlotte.  “Merry Christmas,” he said, his smile highlighting the many lines on his weathered face.

Charlotte took the glove and held it tight. She gave his cheek a brief kiss.   “Thank you,” she said.  She tried to slip it onto her swollen hand, but it barely covered her crooked fingers.  “It’s perfect,” she said, “but I’ve got nothing for you.”

“I’m used to nothing,” said Marvin.  Charlotte looked like she was about to cry.  “But I’ve got a whole lot now that I’ve found you.”

With that he held out his hand and Charlotte grabbed it with her pink gloved one.  They began to dance under the stars to music that only they could hear, trying keep warm in a colder and colder world.