Tape (an acrostic poem)


The situation was very sticky that she found herself in

All the good intentions in the world were not going to help her now

Pushing the button, the last of her coins activated the slot machine

Everyone watched the miracle on the old grainy video when they pulled the …

In the Beginning (a 100 word story)

The darkness grabbed onto his words and crumpled them into tight rejected wads of failure.  He typed with such a frenzy to keep ahead of the monster, but it was faster than his imagination, consuming all his ideas and dreams.  It then had the nerve to regurgitate its partially digested remains onto the page.

He tried to rearrange the mess into something that hinted at his intentions, but he was not a forensic investigator.  The work seemed dead.  And to think he thought he was a writer.

He consoled himself.  “Well, it’s a start.”  He saved his work and shut down.


Image:  2.bp.blogspot.com/-c6XmTrhJMgA/UgkczT8J3wI/AAAAAAAABm8/OAYru5V79Xc/s200/130812-jumble.jpg