Creature (an acrostic poem)


Capricious thoughts scatter across his mental landscape

Reason and emotion decorate his headspace with the creative and the banal

Everything coalescing into a morass of possibilities and probabilities

A prime candidate for the existence of a higher purpose

That life is not just reacting to environmental stimuli and hormones

Unless it concerned her smirk

Reducing everything to its most primal place

Especially as she purred, kneading him, keeping him awake

Struggle (an acrostic emotional adventure)


So many troubles were raining down on her

That she was soon soaked to her soul with all the consequences

Rising depression threatened to drown her as she stood there

Unless she figured out how to swim through the morass of her life

Giving up was always an option

Going under and never resurfacing again

Life would just go on for those around her

Except she knew that was a lie, so she began to tread water and searched for the safety of shore

Clear (an acrostic poem)

Can’t you explain that one more time, but slower?

Look, I’m sorry, but I’m just not getting it.

Everything is just jumbled in my brainpan

And it is leaving me almost seasick as I navigate the morass

Really I got it the first time, but I just wanted to mess with you.

