Iron (an acrostic poem)


It made his muscles feel broken

Reducing his ability to move to an awkward lurching

Oh, he still left a smile bloom on his face

Now he was done with all the swimming, biking, and running proving he was made of…

Operate (an acrostic poem)

Old things had to make way for the new

Pulling back on the lever, the wrecking ball swung and smashed into the wall

Everywhere the ball hit, destruction reigned

Reducing the old structure into historic rubble

And she knew she was good at what she was doing

The crane danced to her choreography, each pirouette punctuated by the boom of connection

Enabling her to place the final period to that building’s story

Creature (an acrostic poem)


Capricious thoughts scatter across his mental landscape

Reason and emotion decorate his headspace with the creative and the banal

Everything coalescing into a morass of possibilities and probabilities

A prime candidate for the existence of a higher purpose

That life is not just reacting to environmental stimuli and hormones

Unless it concerned her smirk

Reducing everything to its most primal place

Especially as she purred, kneading him, keeping him awake

Rip (an acrostic poem)


Reducing the document to confetti

It made her feel so good to be finally free

Perhaps leaving the remnants of their marriage certificate on his grave was a bit petty, but he wasn’t going to hurt her ever again

Crush (an acrostic poem)

Cupid struck him right upside his head

Reducing him to a puddle at her feet

Unhinged he lobbed a lopsided grin her direction

She didn’t catch it at all as she focused his wingman

Her mind went to mush as Cupid played his sick game

