Sweet (an acrostic poem)


Saccharine dreams and ideals permeate her world

Winding her up into a sugar coma

Everything becomes a surreal new reality

Enabling dark pits and holes to grow in the enamel of her TV smile

That didn’t matter though, because the nothings told her so


Image: dooleydental.com/blog/wp-content/uploads//AdobeStock_13844435.jpeg

Soured (an acrostic poem)

Sweet nothings flowed from his mouth­

Obvious to her now, he didn’t mean a thing he said

Until that moment she thought they had a chance

Reality left a bitter taste in her mouth, and her stomach roiled

Exacerbating the situation further he kept staring at her friend’s chest

Displeased with the whole situation she left him stranded at the party


Image: clipartstation.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/sour-food-clipart-1.jpg