Trash (an acrostic poem)


The words she first typed were complete garbage

Reaching deeper, she tried again, trying to have them make artistic sense

As she typed, though, she knew these were still rubbish

She decided to keep going, but that feeling never seemed to leave her subconscious

How even after all the self-doubt she was a bestselling author amazed her every day

Trash (an acrostic poem)

The rubbish he was writing piled up around him

Rambling ideas clashing with the other balderdash

Any semblance to story was pure happenstance

So when he was just about to throw the refuse away

He stumbled onto what he was going to write.



Blessed (an acrostic poem)

Being poor could be a burden at times, okay most of the time

Lenny tried to not let it bother him though

Even as he poked through the trash to find redeemable bottles

Sifting through the rubbish Lenny found a lottery ticket

Scratching it off, Lenny had won ten thousand dollars

Ever since that day Lenny mailed out two Hallmark cards with a crisp $20 in each

Doing random acts of kindness to show people that they matter

