Rum (an acrostic poem)


Reaching for the bottle and pouring out a healthy shot

Under the full moon on a tropical beach

Maybe this summons the spirit of a legendary pirate, or at least a wannabe one who can dance

Cork (an acrostic poem)


Cutlass sang as it was pulled from its sheath
Ordering everyone to pay attention to what was about to happen
Raising the bottle high, he slammed the blade upward
Kealhauling the glass top away, and with it, it carried the …

Drain (an acrostic poem)

Didn’t have any time to recharge, so down went another bottle of caffeine and sugar

Really, sleep was in order, demanded even, but she ignored it

As she had too much to do and way too little time to get it all done

It would have made her cry, except after fifteen years of doing this, this was normal

Now if she had only believed her mother before she had become a mother herself…

Innovate (an acrostic poem)


It all comes down to creating something new

Not that it is easy, but with inspiration and perspiration

New things can come into existence

Of course you hope to capture lightning in a bottle

Value of your creation skyrockets, your company declared a unicorn

And you would be hailed as a genius

That is all well and good, but first do the hard part

Envision a new future and make it happen

Wish (an acrostic poem)


What would I do if I found a genie in a bottle?

I would ask for three simple things.

Something that would make you smile, something to make you think, and something to give you peace.

Hope by you reading this some of it came true.

Throw (an acrostic poem)


Tossing insults like darts and getting bullseyes

He smiled at the silent marks drinking their cheap whiskey from the bottle

Reaching for a cigarette, he lit it and blew smoke at them

Only there still wasn’t a peep.  He closed his eyes and took another drag

Which is why he didn’t see the bottle fly into his nose

The Navy Blues ( a 200 word story) *disturbing content, please be advised*


The whiskey scorched all the way down as he took another swig.  He almost fell over as he ground out his cigarette.  That brought him face to face with that photo of her in that navy blue dress.

“I can’t believe you’re gone.”

A sob escaped causing him to slump into his recliner.

“We were so good together.”

Putting down the bottle, he picked up her image and gave it a sloppy kiss.  He went to put it carefully back down, but instead, he fumbled it.  The photo tumbled to the tiled floor, shattering the glass.  He groped for the now naked photograph, cutting his hand, but undeterred, he snagged it.  He sucked on the blood while staring into the picture’s eyes.

“You enjoyed that didn’t you, hurting me again?”

He picked back up the bottle and pounded what was left.  Snatching his lighter he set fire to her visage.


He watched her burn, yet even when the flames reached his fingers, he couldn’t let go.  Not even when she was just ashes.

“I told you I’d do anything to make you stay.”

He showed his fingertips to the navy blue urn on the bookshelf.

“See, I meant it.”

