Cell (an acrostic poem)

Image: images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51b63587e4b06e9f0987f4e3/1371737092155-KKADCZX5TBNP9ZOJ5D4T/jail.jpg

Corruption pulsed within his veins energizing his desire to do wrong

Extracting money from the misery and oppression around him

Leaving him to live a life of luxury built upon the pain of others

Losing his soul bit by bit behind the bars of inhumanity

Anxiety (an acrostic poem)

Anxiously, she slowly opened the valve

Nicki held her breath as the cell began to fill

Xenon gas soon displaced the oxygen

It supposedly made the experiment safe

Everything in her soul screamed that something was wrong

That’s when she heard a tink sound

Yelling she threw herself to the floor, but nothing happened


Image: gas-business-partner.com/fileadmin/user_upload/OTHERS/Header-Bilder/header_gascylinder-valve.jpg

A Lonely Hike (a 150 word story)

I stood in the middle of the ruined city and wondered if there were any survivors.  I had been in the mountains when my cell phone suddenly didn’t have any signal.  I didn’t care then.  It was part of the reason I love hiking the Adirondacks.

I figured when I drove to the gas station after my hike that I would check in with my roommate, but there had been still no signal.  The gas station had been empty.  The place was open, but no one was home.  Hell, the lights didn’t work.

I drove empty roads all the way back to my dorm, but I didn’t meet another moving car.  Hell, I didn’t see another human.

Now I stand here and wonder if I was the last person here on Earth.

I begin to hear a rumble from the west.

I am filled with fear.

I run but I…


Image: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0a/Adirondacks_mountains.jpg