Slack (an acrostic poem)


She slumped to the floor as if her bones had dissolved.

Leaving the rope she had been using to pool next to her.

Anthony didn’t know how to process what had just happened.

Could she really have tried to wrap that around his neck?

Knowing how close it had been, he felt the shakes coming on, but first, he had to dispose of a body.

Blast (an acrostic poem)


Being bombastic had always been part of his arsenal.

Leaving the room blown away from the energy he dropped on everyday life.

And now was no different.  He was dressed in his dynamite blue suit, his white hair slicked back.

Sashaying across the dance floor, demanding everyone pay attention by pure force of will.

The moment the spotlight hit him, he busted out his dance moves and the crowd exploded!

Heap (an acrostic poem)


He looked at the pile on the floor in front of him.

Everything there at one time meant the world to him.

And now they were flotsam in the backwaters of his life.

Picking them up, he turned from the trashcan and put them in a drawer.  Not yet.

Floor (an acrostic poem)


Feet drifted along the hardwood

Looking for the beat desperately since he felt his life depended on it

Of course, they could not find it and so he dreaded what would happen next

Ordinarily he would have abandoned ship and found a wall to prop up, but…

Rachel kept smiling at him as she tried to follow his lead, and that was all that counted

Ready (an acrostic poem)


Relaxing against the wall, he watched his classmates convulse on the dance floor

Everything that night had been disastrous.  First, his date ditched him

And she decided to slow dance with the person who used to be his best friend

Drinking his punch, he wondered what could possibly happen next, but then he laughed

Yes, he knew what was going to happen next.  His master plan was working perfectly.

Break (an acrostic poem)


Baby porcelain doll, the last one her daughter had ever held, burst into sharp shards as it hit the floor

Releasing so many emotions in her, some she thought she had closed within that small casket

Everyone around her just stopped and stared, silent, not knowing what to do or say

As she watched those pieces scatter she started drowning in a psychological flood

Keeping the tears away was impossible as she felt something inside of her…

Weight (an acrostic poem)


What seemed so light moments before threatened to pull her down into the depths of despair

Every time it happened it took so much strength to try to pick up the pieces and try to move on

It was no use. She broke.

Giving way to the gravity of it all, she sunk to the floor

Her eyes teared up, the heavy drops of water falling

They were children!

Fragile (an acrostic poem)


Focusing on her reflection in the mirror

Rachel wondered how she could go on

After everything she’d been through, there was so little left

Glass was far more robust than her current mental state

It felt like at any moment she would shatter into a million pieces

Leaving emotional shards across the floor

Except that’s when her son came by and gave her a hug, pulling her back together.

Pop (an acrostic poem)


Puncturing that pompous balloon made me happy.

Observing his collapse to his mental floor a mere shell of his old ego gave me was the highlight of my day.

Perhaps I better worry that someone might do the same to me?

Dive (an acrostic poem)


Dirt on the floor intermingled with peanut shells and spilled stale beer

It gave this old run-down bar a certain je ne sais quoi

Vacuuming up those plummeting through the floor of their lives

Enabling them a place to splash down while mumbling “Bottom’s up.”