Fear (an acrostic poem)

Image: advancedglasssystems.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Breaking-And-Shattered-Glass.jpg

Focusing on slowing her breath, she struggled to keep running.  They were getting closer.

Everything was a blur, from the initial attack to her jumping out the window.

And to think she had planned on getting hammered off her ass to forget her problems.

Really though, it was more fun trying to hunt those bastards down.  She could almost smell their…

Fierce (an acrostic poem)

Image: lovethispic.com/uploaded_images/357451-Fierce-Lion.jpg

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread was his favorite proverb

It encapsulated his life in ways that spanned from ludicrous to profound

Ever since he was a boy, he would do the near impossible, twist fate into pretzels, and never miss a beat

Reveling in the audacity of the chaos he spread around like seeds from a dandelion caught in a tornado

Could do no wrong, and it was just the way of the universe

Evidently when you held your guardian angel hostage, you could ever be the fool, but were you?

Curls (an acrostic poem)

Image: i.pinimg.com/originals/03/fd/83/03fd83495310d5ef3acba10c477dcc8e.jpg

Cutting her hair, at one time, would make her cry. It was such a horrible experience

Utter fear would grip her upon sitting in the chair knowing she was at the mercy of the hairdresser

Red hair ringlets defined the core of who she was and were her pride and joy, so she was so particular

Letting the electric razor zoom across her scalp, she smiled.

Suck it, cancer! She would grow back stronger.

Fear (an acrostic poem)

Finding the darkness settling into his soul

Everything began to slow except his heartbeat

Animalistic screams escaped his tightening throat

Reaching up on tiptoes toward the full moon the transformation was complete

Dread (an acrostic poem)

Image: image.pbs.org/video-assets/r97srp8-asset-kids-mezzanine1-16×9-qmViMtz.png

Don’t fear the reaper was a phrase that didn’t make sense

Reaper represented death, the end, that’s all folks

Everyone should be fearful.  They should be scared witless.

And that’s why he was so confused at the moment

Didn’t these people understand he was the real thing, especially on Halloween?

Fear (an acrostic poem)

Image: i.ytimg.com/vi/geAcKDeRlNc/maxresdefault.jpg

Focusing on what caused him to tremble

Embracing the terror he held in his hand

Allowed him to rise above that base emotion and use it to his advantage

Reaching for the top of the box he opened it and asked, “Will you marry me?”

Canyon (an acrostic poem)

Image: nps.gov/dino/planyourvisit/images/Box-Canyon-Trail_1.jpg

Claustrophobic tall walls keep closing in the farther he fled

As he rounded a corner, he came to a sheer cliff face announcing it was the end of the road

Now all he could do was turn around and confront his greatest fear

Years had passed since the last time he had faced the gunslinger

On that occasion. he had escaped with only losing his dignity

Now it was time to pay for all those years of running…  A single shot echoed.

Cape (an acrostic poem)

Image: preview.free3d.com/img/2020/06/2279712116254442682/bd2uv0ab-900.jpg

Cloaked in her beloved darkness, she shivered with excitement

As she peered over her city, watching those far below

Putting fear in the hearts of those trying to hide in the night

Enabling her to sense her prey

Chilli (an acrostic poem)

Image: jenwoodhouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/best-chili-recipe-2.jpg

Can’t make it hot enough to please him

He scarfs down whole scotch bonnets for breakfast

I even saw him puree ghost peppers and drink it as a smoothie

Last Superbowl was the topper.  The con carne concoction he brought was pure chemical warfare

Leaving us all to stare in awe and fear as he ate the whole thing without a single sniffle

It did come to no surprise that his intestines eventually got their revenge for his war crimes.

Fear (an acrostic poem)

Forcing his eyes open, Kevin squinted at the light

Eyes watered from the fetid smell, further obscuring his vision

All of his being screamed at him to run away

Run he did, but at the monster, scaring it away


Image: cdn.psychologytoday.com/sites/default/files/blogs/46501/2012/10/108264-105979.jpg