Stand (an acrostic poem)


Still there she was, even after he had left her

The universe was shattered, her everything was gone

And yet she was still upright

Now she didn’t know what to do, or how she would go on, but

Determined to not let him down, only then did she fall to her knees

Ladder (an acrostic poem)


Leaving the ground behind one step at a time

As I climb higher and higher into the sky

Don’t look down though

Don’t ever look down.  That my knees will knock

Eventually, I stop and wonder how high I have gone

Realizing I was only three rungs up.



Arrival (an acrostic poem)


As the alien ship slowly descended to the ground

Rachel tried to hold it together.  She wished Lisa wasn’t late for their date

Reality seemed to warp, making her knees buckle as the craft touched down

It slowly opened to reveal a blinding light

Valiantly she took one step forward, then the second

As she got closer, she could see vague shapes

Later, Lisa looked at the scorched earth and wondered where Rachel was



Weakness (an acrostic poem)

Weeping muscles wailed at their fate

Every ounce of her being willed the boulder up the hill

Almost there she felt it slip away.  She sunk to his quivering knees

Knowing she had failed once again and the stone awaited her below

Now she could be smart and try a different tact

Every other route was open to her

Still, she trudged back down to gather up her burden

She was determined not to show…



St. Patrick’s Day Drama (a 100 word story)

I found a pot of gold, but then the damn leprechaun mobsters began kicking my knees.  No one tells you about that.  Find the end of the rainbow they say, but no tells you to bring a Glock!  I never stood a chance.

Now I have an empty cast iron pot that smells like cow manure and a single gold coin I managed to hide.  Too bad it won’t pay for the emergency room visit for my bloody broken knees.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone!  That is everyone except those damned leprechauns.  They can go where the damn snakes went!

