Noise (an acrostic poem)


Notes played from the strings and brass floated

Over the timpani and xylophones being hammered at

It was then that the woodwinds began to wail

Sending each section into a race to match their bravado

Eventually, the conductor silenced them.  She knew the first day in an orchestra as new musicians could be… trying

Mucus (an acrostic poem)


My goodness, I am drowning

Under my own body’s immune system response

Can’t breathe, my throat is on fire, my voice is silenced

Useless coughing causes my core to ache

Sneezing to loosen up the solid wall of …

Troop (an acrostic poem)

The laser fire burned the landscape around Gordon

Racing to cover he drew a bead on its source

Opening fire himself he silenced the combatant

Only that marked his own position.  Gordon felt a burn then nothing evermore

Pushing past his eternal vigil, the rest of the platoon didn’t have time to mourn

